1. The OMICS-2021 meeting will be held via an online meeting platform this year. In view of this, the poster presentations are converted to Lightning talk format. You are requested to carefully read the following guidelines and follow the same.
2. Those willing to present their work as a lightning talk at the OMICS-2021 meeting will have to first register for the meeting.
3. Following successful registration for the meeting, the abstracts for the lightning talks can be uploaded. The abstracts should be less than 300 words in length. Abstracts must include title, author list and affiliation. Please underline the presenting author. Accepted abstracts will be selected for lightning talk presentation.
4. For lightning talk presentation, a maximum of 7 slides including title and acknowledgement will be allowed. Speakers may send us pre-recorded talk. The details for sending the talk will be notified later to the selected speakers. The pre-recorded will be used in case of internet connection issues at the speaker's end.
5. No more than 5 minutes are allowed for presentation.
6. This will be followed by 2 min of Q&A.
7. Abstract submission deadline -30th September 2021